Kategoria: About social skills

  • Wyjątkowe umiejętności społeczne osób z autyzmem: odkrywanie ich potencjału

    Wyjątkowe umiejętności społeczne osób z autyzmem: odkrywanie ich potencjału

    Autyzm jest zaburzeniem neurorozwojowym, które może wpływać na sposób, w jaki osoby wchodzą w interakcje społeczne. Pomimo trudności, które mogą występować, osoby z autyzmem często posiadają wyjątkowe umiejętności i talenty, które można odkryć i rozwijać. W tym artykule skupimy się na wyjątkowych umiejętnościach społecznych osób z autyzmem, a także na sposobach wspierania ich potencjału zawodowego i społecznego.

  • Developing social skills in children – why is it important?

    Kształtowanie umiejętności społecznych u dzieci – dlaczego jest ważne?

    Social skills are fundamental to everyone’s functioning in society. Children with autism often struggle with challenges in communicating and behaving in various situations. Developing these skills from an early age is crucial for their future lives. Social skills include a range of abilities such as empathy, verbal and non-verbal communication, group cooperation and conflict resolution.

  • Trening umiejętności społecznych dla osób dorosłych z autyzmem: praktyczne wskazówki i narzędzia

    Trening umiejętności społecznych dla osób dorosłych z autyzmem: praktyczne wskazówki i narzędzia

    Autism, especially Asperger’s syndrome, is often associated with difficulties in establishing and maintaining social relationships. Social skills training is one of the most effective methods for supporting adults with autism spectrum disorders. In this article, we will discuss what social skills training is, what the classes are like, what benefits it brings, and for whom it is especially recommended.

  • Kiedy warto zapisać dziecko do grupy rozwoju umiejętności społecznych?

    Kiedy warto zapisać dziecko do grupy rozwoju umiejętności społecznych?

    Rozwój umiejętności społecznych u dzieci jest kluczowy dla ich przyszłego funkcjonowania zarówno w życiu osobistym, jak i zawodowym. Warto rozważyć zapisanie dziecka do grupy rozwoju umiejętności społecznych, jeśli zauważysz, że ma ono trudności w nawiązywaniu relacji z rówieśnikami, komunikowaniu się czy radzeniu sobie w różnych sytuacjach społecznych. Takie grupy mogą być szczególnie przydatne dla dzieci, które wykazują problemy z kompetencjami społecznymi, w tym dla osób niepełnosprawnych.

  • Social Skills in the Digital Age: Navigating Human Connections in a Virtual World

    Social Skills in the Digital Age: Navigating Human Connections in a Virtual World

    In this digital era, the way we communicate and connect with others has undergone a profound transformation. Social skills, once primarily associated with face-to-face interactions, now encompass a broader spectrum of abilities that extend to the virtual realm. In this blog post, we delve into the changing landscape of human connection, examining the challenges and opportunities brought about by the digital age.

  • The Power of Empathy: Understanding the Science behind Compassion

    The Power of Empathy: Understanding the Science behind Compassion

    In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, where technology dominates our lives, it’s easy to overlook the fundamental power of empathy and compassion. Yet, these qualities have the potential to transform lives, build stronger communities, and even shape the future of humanity. In this article, we delve into the science behind compassion and explore its profound impact on individuals and society. So, let’s embark on a journey of understanding the true power of empathy.

  • Side Effects of Covid-19: The Lost Art of Smiling in Japan

    Side Effects of Covid-19: The Lost Art of Smiling in Japan

    In Japan, the mask-wearing regime during the Covid-19 pandemic has been incredibly strict. For over three years, all residents have been required to wear masks, and even today, around 30% of the population continues to wear them. While masks have proven effective in preventing the spread of the virus, they have unintentionally led to a decline in one essential aspect of human communication – smiling.

  • Social Skills in Different Countries: Understanding Cultural Differences

    Social Skills in Different Countries: Understanding Cultural Differences

    Social skills are an essential aspect of our daily lives, but what may be considered acceptable social behavior in one country may not be in another. In today’s interconnected world, it’s important to understand the cultural differences that impact social skills. In this blog post, we will explore how social skills vary across different countries and what we can learn from these cultural differences.

  • Social skills are necessary for living a full life!

    Social skills are necessary for living a full life!

    Socially adept people are significantly more confident while interacting with others. This offers benefits, especially in the workplace. The phrase “social competency” refers to a broad spectrum of character traits that make getting along with people easier. By investigating and making mistakes throughout life, we can develop the skills necessary for efficient communication, outstanding interpersonal awareness, and good social skills. People who are socially competent are seen as likeable, reliable, and friendly by those around them.

  • Why are social skills crucial?

    Why are social skills crucial?

    Not everyone finds it easy to get out of the house, meet new people, and make friends. Some people tend to avoid social situations because they worry or feel uncomfortable in them. Some people are just shy and prefer to be alone rather than surrounded by people. No matter which group you belong to, it’s still best to develop good social skills and effective ways to talk to other people.